Friday, November 21, 2008

19 Weeks!

It's been quite awhile since I have updated this blog. Sorry about that.  So we are having 2 girls. You can see that I am getting bigger. I've gained about 12-14lbs somewhere around there.  The ultrasound pictures show the babies fighting.  One of the ladies is throwing a flying elbow at her sister.  I am going to give pregnancy modeling a try. I met with Expecting Models the other day and all went well.  I figure it will be a great way to document the pregnancy.  And hopefully make us a few bucks!!!  I have been feeling some movement in there but not much yet.  We are still throwing around name ideas but still really like Hazel & Birdie.  Dan is going to his first ultrasound appointment this coming Tuesday.  It will be nice to have him see those two bugs fighting in there.